Nutrition Diets

March 15, 2022
5 min read

Anyone living in today's age understands that there is not a short supply of diet options. Figuring out if a diet aligns with someone's lifestyle and goals can be the tricky part. To know which diet might be best for you, it's beneficial to be aware of the positives and negatives of each. Below is review of five trending diets for you to consider before committing to any one of them!

Keto Diet: Pros + Cons

When considering a keto diet, there are a number of things to consider for success and safety of this way of eating. While on a keto diet, it is important to remember that 70-80% of your calories should come from fat to kick in ketogenesis; increased water and salt consumption is vital; and you must allow 2-4 weeks for ketosis. As you evaluate the effectiveness of eating keto, avoid mistaking water loss for weight loss in the first weeks that you get started. For best results, don't surpass 10% of calories from carbs, opt for fat before protein, and prioritize your hydration. Following these tips will support your success on the keto diet!

Fit Your Macros: Pros + Cons

Truth be told, all food contains macronutrients. When considering whether or not you should count these and structure your diet around macros, take these considerations into account: the pros to counting macros are that it's educational about the make-up of food, it creates structure, and the numbers can be modifiable to support goals; meanwhile, the cons are that it’s time demanding, requires number crunching, and emphasizes quantity over quality. Really abiding by counting your macros requires a lot of attention to plan and get it right. If you're considering adopting this practice, then counting macros can be beneficial when done the right way and following the tips we're listed!

Whole 30: Pros and Cons

As you are decided whether or not to start a Whole 30 diet, weigh the options between the pros and cons of this lifestyle. The benefits include exposure to different foods from what you might be used to eating, cutting out low-nutrient and ultra-processed foods, and enforcing new habits. On the other hand, the cons are that diet tends to feel restrictive, it is not developed from science, and it can be a hard lifestyle to sustain and enjoy. It is unarguable that this diet prioritizes nutrient dense foods; however, the extreme restrictions lead to low sustainability.

Intermittent Fasting: Do's + Don'ts

Intermittent fasting (IF) can provide benefits outside of its impact on weight and body composition. In order to be successful with intermittent fasting, here are some tips to keep in mind: 1) when planning intermittent fasting, choose non-consecutive fasting days; 2) start with an 8-hour eating window and 16-hour fast, then increase the fasting time from there as you get more comfortable with it; 3) continue to prioritize nutrition quality during the eating hours you set for yourself; and 4) consider a multivitamin to be sure you're covering all your nutritional bases. Additionally, here are some suggestions for easiest adoption of IF and best results: 1) avoid starting with a 24-hour fast, as you make experience unfortunate symptoms with low blood sugar and headaches; 2) don't make fasting a daily practice, as your body will get used to it and slow the adaptions; 3) don't forget about water during fasting hours, 4) don't ignore that quality over quantity matter. Follow these tips for a successful intermittent fasting experience

Paleo Diet: Pros & Cons

Before beginning a paleo diet, it is important to know if it will be a good fit for you. To know if it will be a good fit, first understand the pros and cons. The pros of a paleo diet are that they emphasize whole foods and encourage nutrient dense foods. On the other hand, the cons of a paleo diet are that they might unnecessarily cut out certain food groups and the foods today are very different from those of our ancestors. The paleo diet focuses on unprocessed foods but eliminates food groups that may not need to be eliminated.


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